Our Blog

Play-based Learning

So my child is just playing all day?   Yes, but also no, not just playing. The Oxford dictionary defines play as “to do things for pleasure, as children do; to enjoy yourself, rather than work.”  A child has no concept of work.  They are too preoccupied with experimentation, explorat


Young children are creative and innovative. They see the world as new and explorable. With so much undiscovered information surrounding them, it’s completely normal for an infant or toddler to try learning with the use of its mouth. No matter what the object may be, if a little one can reach it an

Highlights from April

April was so much fun. We learned all about community helpers. Our visit to the local fire station allowed us to explore the fire station, fire truck and fire boat. Some of our other activities included; mailing letters to our Pen Pals in New Zealand, making bandage art, painting with food/cooking u

Welcome Back!

We are so excited for the New Year and are happy to have everyone back after our holiday break! We hope you are able to enjoy the season with loved ones. January at Oona’s PlayCare will be exploring all things that go!! Planes, trains, cars, and boats will be our focus. Students will participate i